Daughter of Troy by Sarah B. Franklin
Daughter of Troy by Sarah B. Franklin

Daughter of Troy by Sarah B. Franklin Daughter of Troy by Sarah B. Franklin

But the brave hero could not bring himself to desert the woman he loved. Briseis, with her dreadful gift of prescience, knew that unless Achilles left, he was destined to die under the walls of Troy. Jealous King Agamemnon stole her away, and Achilles in his fury swore to fight no more. There she would reign at his side as queen of Thessaly. When Troy fell, Achilles promised, he would take his beloved home and marry her. Then passion intervened and the chains of love bound the slave to her master, as Achilles lost his heart to the beautiful Briseis. Her palace was sacked, her people carried off into slavery, while she herself became the prize of the leader, Prince Achilles. From the battlements Briseis saw her husband and her beloved brothers die. When King Agamemnon led the Greek host against the great city of Troy, he began by crushing the Trojan allies, including fair Lyrnessos. Here, in a modern retelling of Homer's immortal classic The Iliad is a magnificent saga of courage, betrayal, devotion and destiny. Their lives were the stuff of dreams and of legend, and for three thousand years the world has wept over the tragic story of their doomed love. Achilles was the young prince of Thessaly, greatest of Greek warriors, the finest hero of them all. IN THE DAYS WHEN GODS TALKED WITH MORTALS.īriseis was the rightful-born queen of Lyrnessos, seer and spokesperson of the gods.

Daughter of Troy by Sarah B. Franklin